Banner for Women in Ancient Egypt: A Virtual Book Discussion

Women in Ancient Egypt: A Virtual Book Discussion

by Public and Community Events

Virtual Book Discussion Book Talk Panel

Wed, Mar 15, 2023

7 PM – 8 PM (GMT+2)

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Mariam F. Ayad, editor of Women in Ancient Egypt: Revisiting Power, Agency, And Autonomy (AUC Press, 2022), a volume of cutting-edge research by twenty-four international scholars on female power, agency, health, and literacy in ancient Egypt, will talk about the book with three of the volume’s contributors.

The panelists will include Anne Austin, assistant professor of anthropology and archaeology, University of Missouri; Susan Kelly, early career Researcher–Egyptologist; and Kathrin Gabler, Egyptologist and associate professor, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen.

Click here to read more about Women in Ancient Egypt

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