Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset and Turning your Struggles into Opportunities for Success
Alumni Lounge
AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74, New Cairo, 11835, Egypt
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
The LMP helps artistic and entrepreneurial mentees to have access to and get engaged in a professional network of entrepreneurs and accomplished artists in the fashion and creative industry to empower mentees to stimulate their natural curiosities to realize their creative talents, pursue their passions and turn their innovative ideas into realities.
Track One: Entrepreneurship
Join the first group mentoring session with Hakim Meshreki, assistant professor, CEMS-MIM academic director and faculty mentor and Hassan Arslan, business consultant, CEO of and alumni mentor, discussing Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset & Turning your Struggles into Opportunities for Success.
Dress Business Casual