Cryptocurrency Expansions during the Last Decade: What Should Central Banks Do?
Abdul Latif Jameel Hall - Room 1055
AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74, New Cairo, 11835, Egypt
The past decade has seen a remarkable expansion of cryptocurrency, with the total market capitalization climbing from USD 8 billion in 2013 to an estimated USD 200 billion in 2020. This surge has sparked the curiosity of central banks across the globe, causing them to contemplate the impact of cryptocurrency on monetary policies.
This talk offers a comprehensive review of the meteoric rise of cryptocurrency and its potential perks and drawbacks. It delves into how this technology is providing people with access to financial services that were previously unavailable or restricted and how users can transact without relying on traditional currencies or intermediaries. Additionally, this presentation will explore the risks related to cryptocurrency, such as lack of regulatory oversight, potential for illicit activities, and future monetary policy implications.
Tong Wang
Associate Professor in Business Economics
University of Edinburgh
Tong Wang is a senior lecturer (associated professor) in business economics at the University of Edinburgh’s Business School. He holds a PhD in economics from the Toulouse School of Economics. His research interests lie in the fields of fintech and digital economics.
His research has been published in leading international journals such as the Journal of Economic Theory and the Journal of Industrial Economics. He has written a book on History in Economics, published in three different languages.