World Bank Group Systematic Country Diagnostic Dissemination Event (By invitation only)
Conference and Visitors Center (CVC P022)
AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74, New Cairo, 11835, Egypt
The World Bank will discuss the latest Systematic Country Diagnostic findings, which highlight Egypt’s most pressing development priorities based on the World Bank’s analytical work. The World Bank will also introduce the upcoming country partnership framework.
Nistha Sinha
Senior Economist
The World Bank
Senior economist at the World Bank. Her research and policy focus on poverty, equity, labor markets, and distributional impacts. She has co-authored several reports on these topics for countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Europe and Central Asia, and South Asia. Before joining the World Bank, she was a postdoctoral research fellow at Yale University’s Economic Growth Center.
Alvaro González
Lead Economist
The World Bank
Alvaro González joined the World Bank after a career in the US Treasury and Bell Labs. He is a microeconomist specializing in firm performance, competition and regulatory issues. Alvaro did graduate work in economics at MIT and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).